As an interdisciplinary artist, my intention is to expand compassionate awareness through visual and interactive experiences. My abstract paintings and printmaking go beyond mental concepts to capture the visceral, essential quality of an idea. With film photography, I directly impress a fleeting moment into physical film to represent a story about people and places. Through social practice, I facilitate interconnectedness while activating the visual work. My two active projects weave together all these. “Lunasea” is about mental health, the ocean (I plunge in the Pacific every other day), lunar rhythms, and grounding myself in a community in the Outer Sunset in San Francisco, CA. “Loss Spectrum” explores the myriad dynamics of ambiguous grief, inspired by my sister going missing in September 2023. My creative process is grounded in ritual, including meditative monoprint and attempting to imbue the ethos of the “bodhisattiva” - awakening for the sake of the world - into my artwork. 

Full CV Here

